Vitamins and Supplements

Our skin, hair, eyes, mouth and nails can all be early warning indicators of ill health, including vitamin deficiencies. Some vitamins and supplements need to be taken daily whereas others are stored in your body. Men, women, children and babies all have different daily requirements so it’s important to eat a healthy balanced diet.

This list of vitamins and supplements is for information only and does NOT constitute medical nor lifestyle advice. We recommend you seek professional medical advice before taking any vitamins and supplements.

Vitamin: Other Name/s Food Sources Needed daily? Affects Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms May Include:
Vitamin A Retinol, beta-carotene Green and yellow vegetables, carrots, oranges, peppers, kale, pumpkin, liver, cheese, eggs, milk products, yoghout, fortified low-fat spreads No Retina, vision, bone and tooth structure, growth. Night blindness, dry and rough skin, dermatitis.
Vitamin B1 thiamine Whole grain, un-husked rice, wheat germ, beans, nuts, eggs, liver, fish, milk. Yes Releasing energy from carbohydrates, interaction of muscles and nerves, proteins, fat, keeping skin young and healthy. Nausea, fatigue, tremors, forgetfulness, depression.
Vitamin B2 riboflavin Soya beans, milk, eggs, rice, turkey, fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, almonds Yes Helps keep eyes, skin and the nervous system healthy, helps your body release energy from carbohydrates cracked and red lips, inflammation of the tongue, lining of mouth, mouth ulcers, cracks at the corners of the mouth, sore throat, dry skin, iron-deficiency anemia, itchy, watery, bloodshot eyes, sensitivity to bright light.
Vitamin B3 niacin Whole grain, peas, beans, peanuts, yeast, liver, meat, eggs, fish. Yes Releasing energy from glucose and fat, hormones, keeping skin young and healthy. Weight loss, nausea, diarrhea, depression.
Vitamin B5 pantothenic acid, pantothenate Whole grain, wheat, green vegetables, peas, beans, liver, meat. Yes Releasing energy, skin, hair, sex hormones. Very rare, headaches, cramps, abdominal pain.
Vitamin B6 pyridoxine Most food, especially whole grains, wheat germ, bananas, beans, liver, fortified breakfast cereals. Yes Carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, antibodies; keeping skin looking young and firm. Skin problems, anemia, chapped lips.
Vitamin B8 Inositol Fruit, especially oranges and cantaloupes. Can also be extracted from nuts, beans and grains.   Promotes healthy hair growth. Helps prevent fatty build-up in the liver and heart. Possible natural treatment for depression, panic disorders, OCD and other psychiatric disorders. Anxiety, depression, impotence, OCD, panic disorders, eczema, psoriasis, baldness
Vitamin B9 folic acid, vitamin M, Vitamin Bc, folacin Green vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread, nuts, peas, beans, yeast, liver, eggs. Yes DANN formation, red blood cells, nervous system. Anemia, sores in the mouth.
Vitamin B12 cobalamin Liver, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products (except butter), green leafy vegetables   Formation of new cells, including red blood cells, keeping skin young and healthy. Fatigue, loss of appetite, concentration disorder, burn-out
Vitamin C ascorbic acid Vegetables, raw fruits, peppers, potatoes, broccoli, citrus fruits, tomatoes. Yes Growth, immune system, healthy bones, teeth and gums, blood vessels. General pain, loose teeth, nosebleeds.
Vitamin D calciferol Oily fish, salmon, tuna, cod liver oil, liver, eggs. Yes Bone and tooth hardness, blood clotting, metabolism, nerves and muscles, relief of psoriasis Soft bones, rickets in children, restlessness.
Vitamin E tocopherol Vegetable oils, egg yolk, whole grains, cereals, oatmeal, wheat germ, nuts, green leafy vegetables, parsley No Cell membranes (delays aging), red blood cell-formation, wound healing Very rare, possibly anemia.
Vitamin H biotin, coenzyme R, vitamin B7 Most foods, especially oats, wheat, nuts, beans, liver, egg yolk. No Elimination of waste materials; fat and carbohydrate metabolism. Very rare, sore tongue, muscle pain, eczema.
Vitamin K phytomenadione Cauliflower, broccoli, cheese, potatoes, wheat germ, liver, egg yolk. No Clotting ability of the blood. Very rare, nosebleeds, bruising.