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Senior Health & Safety
Seniors Health and Safety
Ageism is defined as prejudice against older people. It's pretty widespread, in its various forms. We can all combat this stereotype, which could drive the older person into total dependence.
Click on this link to find out more on
This link points to Web sites where all types of health resources and information are available.
This link points you to the Health & Age site where you may easily and rapidly carry out a number of health checks on-line. By means of self-testing questionnaires or health calculators available on-line, you can determine, for example, if you are getting enough sleep, what your maximum exercise heart rate should be, or what your daily carbohydrate requirement should be. Click on the appropriate test or tool to get the health information you want.
Learn about the different types and styles of hearing aids and levels of hearing loss. Sections on ear health care and hearing tests.
This link points to Web sites where all types of free official medicare resources, services, and information provided by the US Government.
This link points to a Website where the general public of all ages could get help in preventing all types of crimes.
- is the world's largest online safety and help group helping professionals and the general public in preventing crimes on the Internet.
Advice, Poems, and other Information on Life and Living
This link points to a beautiful poem on friendship written by Eleanor Roosevelt.
Between 2010 and 2030, one in five Americans will be aged 65 or older.
Today, about 13% of Americans, or 35 million people, are aged 65 and older. But between 2010 and 2030, this segment of the population is expected to swell to over 69 million, and one in five of us will be considered “elderly.” By 2050, the elderly population is projected to reach 79 million. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Best Antioxidant Foods
The antioxidant quercetin is actually a plant pigment that helps color foods. Of the following seven foods, red onions have the most quercetin and grapefruit the least.
1. Red Onions
2. Spinach
3. Red Apple
4. Brewed Tea
5. Plums
6. Strawberries
7. Grapefruit