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Test and Assessment Resources
College Entrance Tests & Assessment
The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) program provides English proficiency testing services for international students planning to study in the United States, Canada, or other countries where English is the language of instruction. The TOEFL test is made available worldwide to all persons.
Click here and a series of 15 pictures will come up. In this category, click on a picture in that appeals to you most.,
A second category with another 15 pictures will come up and you need to pick another picture, and move on until you have finished all categories. At the end, a summary of your personal profile, as dictated by your choices, will appear.
This test assesses your ability to remember how long ago something happened - your 'temporal' memory. If you're tired you won't be as good at remembering when you saw or did something.
All-in-one tool for building tests, gradebooks, and reports on-line or off-line. Create randomized tests to avoid cheating.