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greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Airport Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Airport Overviews
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Country Name Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Converter
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Name Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency rate monitor
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Symbol
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Table
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Internet Country Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Telephone Dialing Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Temperature & Time
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Travel

Internet Country Code

This entry includes the two-letter codes maintained by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 list and used by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to establish country-coded top-level domains (ccTLDs).
Internet Country Code
Afghanistan: .af
Albania: .al
Algeria: .dz
American Samoa: .as
Andorra: .ad
Angola: .ao
Anguilla: .ai
Antarctica: .aq
Antigua and Barbuda: .ag
Argentina: .ar
Armenia: .am
Aruba: .aw
Australia: .au
Austria: .at
Azerbaijan: .az
Bahamas, The: .bs
Bahrain: .bh
Bangladesh: .bd
Barbados: .bb
Belarus: .by
Belgium: .be
Belize: .bz
Benin: .bj
Bermuda: .bm
Bhutan: .bt
Bolivia: .bo
Bosnia and Herzegovina: .ba
Botswana: .bw
Bouvet Island: .bv
Brazil: .br
British Indian Ocean Territory: .io
British Virgin Islands: .vg
Brunei: .bn
Bulgaria: .bg
Burkina Faso: .bf
Burma: .mm
Burundi: .bi
Cambodia: .kh
Cameroon: .cm
Canada: .ca
Cape Verde: .cv
Cayman Islands: .ky
Central African Republic: .cf
Chad: .td
Chile: .cl
China: .cn
Christmas Island: .cx
Cocos (Keeling) Islands: .cc
Colombia: .co
Comoros: .km
Congo, Democratic Republic of the: .cd
Congo, Republic of the: .cg
Cook Islands: .ck
Costa Rica: .cr
Cote d'Ivoire: .ci
Croatia: .hr
Cuba: .cu
Cyprus: .cy
Czech Republic: .cz
Denmark: .dk
Djibouti: .dj
Dominica: .dm
Dominican Republic: .do
Ecuador: .ec
Egypt: .eg
El Salvador: .sv
Equatorial Guinea: .gq
Eritrea: .er
Estonia: .ee
Ethiopia: .et
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas): .fk
Faroe Islands: .fo
Fiji: .fj
Finland: .fi
France: .fr
French Guiana: .gf
French Polynesia: .pf
French Southern and Antarctic Lands: .tf
Gabon: .ga
Gambia, The: .gm
Georgia: .ge
Germany: .de
Ghana: .gh
Gibraltar: .gi
Greece: .gr
Greenland: .gl
Grenada: .gd
Guadeloupe: .gp
Guam: .gu
Guatemala: .gt
Guernsey: .gg
Guinea: .gn
Guinea-Bissau: .gw
Guyana: .gy
Haiti: .ht
Heard Island and McDonald Islands: .hm
Holy See (Vatican City): .va
Honduras: .hn
Hong Kong: .hk
Hungary: .hu
Iceland: .is
India: .in
Indonesia: .id
Iran: .ir
Iraq: .iq
Ireland: .ie
Israel: .il
Italy: .it
Jamaica: .jm
Japan: .jp
Jersey: .je
Jordan: .jo
Kazakhstan: .kz
Kenya: .ke
Kiribati: .ki
Korea, North: .kp
Korea, South: .kr
Kuwait: .kw
Kyrgyzstan: .kg
Laos: .la
Latvia: .lv
Lebanon: .lb
Lesotho: .ls
Liberia: .lr
Libya: .ly
Liechtenstein: .li
Lithuania: .lt
Luxembourg: .lu
Macau: .mo
Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of: .mk
Madagascar: .mg
Malawi: .mw
Malaysia: .my
Maldives: .mv
Mali: .ml
Malta: .mt
Man, Isle of: .im
Marshall Islands: .mh
Martinique: .mq
Mauritania: .mr
Mauritius: .mu
Mayotte: .yt
Mexico: .mx
Micronesia, Federated States of: .fm
Moldova: .md
Monaco: .mc
Mongolia: .mn
Montserrat: .ms
Morocco: .ma
Mozambique: .mz
Namibia: .na
Nauru: .nr
Nepal: .np
Netherlands: .nl
Netherlands Antilles: .an
New Caledonia: .nc
New Zealand: .nz
Nicaragua: .ni
Niger: .ne
Nigeria: .ng
Niue: .nu
Norfolk Island: .nf
Northern Mariana Islands: .mp
Norway: .no
Oman: .om
Pakistan: .pk
Palau: .pw
Panama: .pa
Papua New Guinea: .pg
Paraguay: .py
Peru: .pe
Philippines: .ph
Pitcairn Islands: .pn
Poland: .pl
Portugal: .pt
Puerto Rico: .pr
Qatar: .qa
Reunion: .re
Romania: .ro
Russia: .ru
Rwanda: .rw
Saint Helena: .sh
Saint Kitts and Nevis: .kn
Saint Lucia: .lc
Saint Pierre and Miquelon: .pm
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: .vc
Samoa: .ws
San Marino: .sm
Sao Tome and Principe: .st
Saudi Arabia: .sa
Senegal: .sn
Seychelles: .sc
Sierra Leone: .sl
Singapore: .sg
Slovakia: .sk
Slovenia: .si
Solomon Islands: .sb
Somalia: .so
South Africa: .za
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands: .gs
Spain: .es
Sri Lanka: .lk
Sudan: .sd
Suriname: .sr
Svalbard: .sj
Swaziland: .sz
Sweden: .se
Switzerland: .ch
Syria: .sy
Taiwan: .tw
Tajikistan: .tj
Tanzania: .tz
Thailand: .th
Togo: .tg
Tokelau: .tk
Tonga: .to
Trinidad and Tobago: .tt
Tunisia: .tn
Turkey: .tr
Turkmenistan: .tm
Turks and Caicos Islands: .tc
Tuvalu: .tv
Uganda: .ug
Ukraine: .ua
United Arab Emirates: .ae
United Kingdom: .uk
United States: .us
Uruguay: .uy
Uzbekistan: .uz
Vanuatu: .vu
Venezuela: .ve
Vietnam: .vn
Virgin Islands: .vi
Wallis and Futuna: .wf
Western Sahara: .eh
Yemen: .ye
Zambia: .zm
Zimbabwe: .zw
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