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Travel Resources:
Travel Resources:
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Airport Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Airport Overviews
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Country Name Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Converter
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Name Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency rate monitor
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Symbol
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Currency Table
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Foreign exchange
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Internet Country Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Telephone Dialing Code
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Temperature & Time
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Travel

Travel Resources

Flight, Destination, Hostel, Hotel, taxi and air fare Guides
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Airport Code
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) China travel resources:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes)City guide
ball1.gif (1653 bytes)Hotel & travel guide
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Complete Travel Guide: Discover how to get there by searching:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Flights for 670 airlines worldwide
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Trains in Europe, China and India
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Driving directions and ferries
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Airfares provided by
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Destinations: a virtual tour
This link points to a site where you may find information and images on places of interest in many countries.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Explore Planet Earth
Discover the Most Popular Locations on Earth.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Hong Kong travel:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes)Airport
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Maps & guides
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Travel tips
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Hostelling Guide
This guide provides guidance on planning hostel stays. A hypertext list provides FAQs on how to find a good hostel, background and information on hostel system, names of hostel affiliations, etc.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Online travel resources
This site offers useful tips and advice on every travel category.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Specialty travel index
This site provides information about thousands of unusual vacations, offered by over 600 tour operators and outfitters around the globe.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Walt Disney World Theme Parks
This site provides all types of information on theme parks and water parks in Disney World in Orlando, Florida.
Foreign Currency Resources
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Calculators & converters
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Currency Conversion Tools:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Currency Rate Monitor
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Foreign Exchange Charges Calculator
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Interactive Currency Table
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Universal Currency Converter
ball1.gif (1653 bytes)World Banknotes with Images
Immigration, Security, & Transit Services
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Canadian student assistance abroad
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Immigration Canada
All types of immigration resources and visa services for travellers and students visiting Canada.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Travel security USA
Click here to find out what items are permitted and prohibited to be brought by travellers into an aircraft in America. Travellers attempting to bring banned items through the checkpoints are subject to civil penalties of up to $1,100 per violation in addition to criminal penalties.
Miscellaneous Resources
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Baggage allowance
Detailed information on the allowances and limits of checked and carry-on baggage for domestic and international flights.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) International Airline Carry-on luggage Allowances Guide
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) International travel baggage information
Tips and guidelines on checked and carry-on luggage for international flights
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Language for Travellers
Learn the language of the country which you plan to visit. This will make your visit more interesting and enjoyable. This is a Free service.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Places of Interest in Pictures:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Africa in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Asia in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Australia in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Europe in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Middle East in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) North America in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) South Asia in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) South America in pictures
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Time and Dates
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Transportation Security Administration of America
Travel guides and procedures on security screening, baggage checking and handling for travellers within and through the USA.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Weather
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) World Clock
Restaurant Resources

Tipping in Restaurants:
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) How much should you tip?
18.9% is the average tip Americans gave in 2006, according to the Zagat Survey's 2007 America's Top Restaurants guide. The generally accepted value is 15% to 20%, though outside North America it may be different.
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Are Tips Mandatory?
You are not obligated to tip. We like to say that TIP stands for To Improve Performance. If service was horrible, you have every right to tip nothing and notify management. If the service was poor, tip less than what you might if service was appropriate. If service was great, tip more. It'­s as simple as that. Some restaurants apply a service charge. Keep in mind if the service is slow it is not always the server'­s fault. Also, the tips are often pooled, so that the bartender, busboys and in some cases food runners/maitre d'/captain/sommerlier are all recipients of the tip.
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