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Greek Alphabets

The Greek alphabets originated from a modification of the Phoenician alphabets and in turn gave rise to the Gothic, Glagolitic, Cyrillic, Coptic, and possibly the Armenian alphabets, as well as the Latin alphabets.

The Greek alphabets have been used to write the Greek language since the 9th century BC. Each letter is a symbol for each vowel and consonant, and is the oldest alphabetic script in use today.

Besides being used for writing modern Greek, the Greek alphabets are used as mathematical symbols, particle names in physics, as names of stars, in the names of fraternities and sororities, in the naming of supernumerary tropical cyclones, and for other purposes.
Lookup Table and Description
 Capital   Low-case   Greek Name   English 
Alpha a
Beta b
Gamma g
Delta d
Epsilon e
Zeta z
Eta h
Theta th
Iota i
Kappa k
Lambda l
Mu m
Nu n
Xi x
Omicron o
Pi p
Rho r
Sigma s
Tau t
Upsilon u
Phi ph
Chi ch
Psi ps
Omega o
Click here to learn more about the Greek alphabet from Wikipedia.
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