Facts of China:
Full country name: People's Republic of China Area: 9,596,960 sq km (mainland)
Population: 1.4 billion (mainland)
Capital city: Beijing (pop 12.6 million)
People: 56 ethnic groups or nationalities, 92% of whom are Han Chinese.
Language: Putonghua (Beijing Mandarin dialect).
Religions: Officially atheist; Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism (no stats available); Muslim (14 million),Christian (7 million) Government: Communist republic Head of State: Xi Jinping
Using computer in the Chinese environment for Internet, email and word processing.
All types of tools that assist people in learning and using the Chinese language.

Chinese classical music, folk songs, patriotic songs, ethnic groups, and traditional dances on video.
Chinese Festivals:
Chinese people:
Everything about modern and traditional China, dictionaries, Chinese learning materials, tools and resources.
- Collections of Chinese music and songs (精挑细选最全最好听
Genealogy and Chinese surname Resources:
Search for movies produced in China and Hong Kong
Health: Chinese Medicine and Treatment
- convert between simplified and traditional Chinese characters online
The Chinese language is the oldest continuous written language in the world. This language may provide answers to many questions posed in the Bible. Is it possible that the Bible was first written in Chinese? Click on this link to find out for yourself:
Newspapers: Asia and China Newspapers
Asia Newspapers in Chinese Language:
Newspapers in China:
This is a personal Website with some well-selected western classical music and slideshows for online entertainment free of charge. The music plays on Internet Explorer only.
Video Sharing Online:
Tudou.com (Chinese:土豆网) is the largest online video sharing platform in China, where users can upload, view and share video clips. Tudou went live on April 15, 2005 and has grown into one of the world's largest content delivery networks, serving over 300 million videos each day with more than 50,000 new videos published daily, including amateur content such as video-blogging and user-generated videos, and professional content such as movie clips, TV series and music videos from our content partners.
Hong Kong travel:
Links to China's Cities and historical resorts:
Photo galleries:
Travel resources: