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A phobia is an irrational fear of something that’s unlikely to cause harm. The word itself comes from the Greek word“phobos,” which means “fear” or “horror.”
When someone has a phobia, they experience intense fear of a certain object or situation. Phobias are different from regular fears because they cause significant distress, possibly interfering with life at home, work, or school.
Phobias are an intense fear of something, like heights or certain animals, that causes significant distress. They’re typically treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Hydrophobia, for example, literally translates to fear of water. Phobias come in all shapes and sizes. Because there are an infinite number of objects and situations, the list of specific phobias is quite long.
People with phobias actively avoid the phobic object or situation, or they endure it with intense fear or anxiety.
Agoraphobia, a fear of places or situations that trigger fear or helplessness, is singled out as a particularly common fear with its own unique diagnosis. Social phobias, which are fears related to social situations, are also singled out with a unique diagnosis.
While phobias can be extremely uncomfortable and challenging, therapy and medication can help. If you think you may have a phobia that’s causing a disruption in your life, speak with your doctor for an evaluation and treatment options.
According to the DSM-5, specific phobias typically fall within five general categories:
1. fears related to animals (spiders, dogs, insects)
2. fears related to the natural environment (heights, thunder, darkness)
3. fears related to blood, injury, or medical issues (injections, broken bones, falls)
4. fears related to specific situations (flying, riding an elevator, driving)
5. other (fear of choking, loud noises, drowning)
These categories encompass an infinite number of specific objects and situations.
There’s no official list of phobias beyond what’s outlined in the DSM-5, so clinicians and researchers create names for them as the need arises. This is typically done by combining a Greek (or sometimes Latin) prefix that describes the phobia with the –phobia suffix.For example, a fear of water would be named by combining “hydro” (water) and “phobia” (fear).
There’s also such a thing as a fear of fears (phobophobia). This is actually more common than you might imagine.
People with anxiety disorders sometimes experience panic attacks when they’re in certain situations. These panic attacks can be so uncomfortable that people do everything they can to avoid them in the future.
For example, if you have a panic attack while sailing, you may fear sailing in the future, but you may also fear panic attacks or fear developing hydrophobia.
The symptoms of phobias are:
Excessive, unreasonable, persistent feelings of fear or anxiety that are triggered by a particular object, activity, or situation.
Feelings that are either irrational or out of proportion to any actual threat. For example, while anyone may be afraid of an unrestrained, menacing dog, most people do not run away from a calm, quiet animal on a leash.
Avoidance of the object, activity, or situation that triggers the phobia. Because people who have phobias recognize that their fears are exaggerated, they are often ashamed or embarrassed about their symptoms. To prevent anxiety symptoms or embarrassment, they avoid the triggers for the phobia.
Anxiety-related physical symptoms. These can include tremors, palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, or other symptoms that reflect the body's "fight or flight" response to danger. (Symptoms such as these may lead to a diagnosis of panic disorder.)
A mental health professional is likely to ask about current symptoms and family history, particularly whether other family members have had phobias. You may want to report any experience or trauma that may have set off the phobia – for example, a dog attack leading to a fear of dogs.
It may be helpful to discuss how you react – your thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms – when you are confronted with the thing you fear. Also, describe what you do to avoid fearful situations, and how the phobia affects your daily life, including your job and your personal relationships.
Your doctor will ask about depression and substance use because many people with phobias have these problems as well.
Expected duration of phobia
In children, specific phobias can be short-term problems that disappear within a few months. In adults, about 80% of new phobias become chronic (long-term) conditions that do not go away without proper treatment.
Phobias are typically treated with therapy, medication, or a combination of both:
Exposure therapy.
During exposure therapy, which is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy, you work with a psychologist to learn how to desensitize yourself to the object or situation that you fear. The goal is to improve your quality of life so that you’re no longer hindered or distressed by your fear.
Antianxiety medication.
Your doctor may recommend certain anxiety-reducing medications that can help you through exposure therapy. While these medications aren’t exactly a treatment for phobias, they can help make exposure therapy less distressing.
Other medications.
Your clinician might also prescribe beta-blockers and benzodiazepines to manage feelings of anxiety or panic.
There is no way to prevent a phobia from starting. However, treatment can reduce the negative impact of the disorder.
Treatment usually includes some combination of psychotherapy and medication depending on the type of phobia:
Specific phobia.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help, especially a procedure called either desensitization therapy or exposure therapy. This technique involves gradually increasing your exposure to the thing you fear, at your own pace, under controlled circumstances. As you are exposed to the object, you are taught to master your fear through relaxation, breathing control, or other anxiety-reducing strategies. For short-term treatment of phobias, your doctor may prescribe an anti-anxiety medication. If the phobia is confronted only occasionally, as in a fear of flying, the use of medication can be limited.
Social anxiety disorder.
If your social phobia centers on one particular performance (for example, giving a lecture or playing in a concert), your doctor may prescribe a medication called a beta blocker, such as propranolol (Inderal). This medicine can be taken just prior to the performance. It dampens the physical effects of anxiety (pounding heart or trembling fingers), but usually does not affect the mental sharpness needed for speaking or the physical dexterity needed for playing an instrument. For more generalized or long-term forms of social phobia, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant, usually an SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) such as sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram (Celexa), paroxetine (Paxil), or fluoxetine (Prozac). If an SSRI is not effective, your doctor may prescribe an alternative antidepressant or anti-anxiety medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy also works well for many people with social phobia, in both individual and group settings.
The treatment for this disorder is similar to the treatment for panic disorder. Drug treatment includes SSRI antidepressants, and a variety of other types of antidepressants, such as mirtazapine (Remeron), venlafaxine (Effexor), clomipramine (Anafranil), and imipramine (Tofranil). Psychotherapy is also helpful, particularly cognitive-behavioral therapy.
When to call a Professional?
Make an appointment to see your doctor as soon as possible if you are troubled by fears or anxieties that are disturbing your peace of mind, interfering with your personal relationships, or preventing you from functioning normally at home, school, or work.
The outlook is very good for people with specific phobia or social phobia. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about 75% of people with specific phobias overcome their fears through cognitive-behavioral therapy, while 80% of those with social phobia find relief from medication, cognitive-behavioral therapy, or a combination.
When agoraphobia occurs with panic disorder, the prognosis is also good. With appropriate treatment, 30% to 40% of patients become free of symptoms for extended periods, while another 50% continue to experience only mild symptoms that do not significantly affect daily life.
Studying specific phobias is a complicated process. Most people don’t seek treatment for these conditions, so cases largely go unreported. These phobias also vary based on cultural experiences, gender, and age. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5), the American Psychiatric Association outlines several of the most common phobias. Here’s a look at some phobias that have been identified.
Phobia | Fear of |
ablutophobia | fear of washing |
achluophobia | fear of darkness |
acarophobia | fear of itching |
acerophobia | fear of sourness |
achluophobia | fear of darkness |
acousticophobia | fear of noise |
acrophobia | fear of heights |
aeroacrophobia | fear of open high places |
aerophobia | fear of flying |
agateophobia | fear of insanity |
agliophobia | fear of pain |
agoraphobia | fear of public spaces or crowds |
agoraphobia | fear of open spaces |
agrizoophobia | fear of wild animals |
agyrophobia | fear of crossing streets |
aichmophobia | fear of needles or pointed objects |
ailurophobia | fear of cats |
albuminurophobia | fear of kidney disease |
alektorophobia | fear of chickens |
algophobia | fear of pain |
alliumphobia | fear of garlic |
allodoxaphobia | fear of other opinions |
altophobia | fear of heights |
amathophobia | fear of dust |
amaxophobia | fear of riding in a car |
ambulophobia | fear of walking |
amnesiophobia | fear of forgetting |
amychophobia | fear of being scratched |
anablephobia | fear of looking up |
androphobia | fear of men |
anemophobia | fear of wind |
anginophobia | fear of angina or choking |
anglophobia | fear of English things |
angrophobia | fear of anger or becoming angry |
anthophobia | fear of flowers |
anthropophobia | fear of people or society |
antlophobia | fear of floods |
anuptophobia | fear of remaining single |
apeirophobia | fear of infinity |
aphenphosmphobia | fear of being touched |
apiophobia | fear of bees |
apotemnophobia | fear of people with amputations |
arachnophobia | fear of spiders |
arithmophobia | fear of numbers |
arrhenphobia | fear of men |
arsonphobia | fear of fire |
asthenophobia | fear of fainting |
astraphobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
astrophobia | fear of celestial space |
asymmetrophobia | fear of asymmetrical things |
ataxiophobia | fear of muscular in-coordination |
ataxophobia | fear of disorder or untidiness |
atelophobia | fear of imperfection |
atephobia | fear of ruin or ruins |
athazagoraphobia | fear of being forgotten or ignored |
atomosophobia | fear of atomic explosions |
atychiphobia | fear of failure |
autophobia | fear of being alone |
aurophobia | fear of gold |
autodysomophobia | fear of bad odors or people with them |
automatonophobia | fear of ventriloquist dummies, wax statues |
automysophobia | fear of being dirty |
autophobia | fear of solitude or being alone |
aviophobia | fear of flying |
bacillophobia | fear of microbes |
bacteriophobia | fear of bacteria |
ballistophobia | fear of missiles or bullets |
barophobia | fear of gravity |
basophobia | fear of inability to stand |
bathmophobia | fear of stairs or steep slopes |
bathophobia | fear of depth |
bathyphobia | fear of depth or deep water |
batophobia | fear of being near high objects |
batrachophobia | fear of amphibians |
belonephobia | fear of pins, needles or pointed objects |
bibliophobia | fear of books |
blennophobia | fear of slime |
botanophobia | fear of plants |
brontophobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
bufonophobia | fear of toads |
cacophobia | fear of ugliness |
cainophobia | fear of newness, novelty |
caligynephobia | fear of beautiful women |
carcinophobia | fear of cancer |
cardiophobia | fear of the heart |
carnophobia | fear of meat |
cenophobia | fear of empty spaces |
centophobia | fear of new ideas |
ceraunophobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
chaetophobia | fear of hair |
cheimatophobia | fear of cold or cold things |
chemophobia | fear of chemicals |
cherophobia | fear of gaiety |
catagelophobia | fear of being ridiculed |
catapedophobia | fear of jumping |
cathisophobia | fear of sitting |
catoptrophobia | fear of mirrors |
chionophobia | fear of snow |
chiraptophobia | fear of being touched |
chirophobia | fear of hands |
chiroptophobia | fear of bats |
cholerophobia | fear of anger |
chorophobia | fear of dancing |
chromatophobia | fear of colors |
chrometophobia | fear of money |
chromophobia | fear of colors |
chronomentrophobia | fear of clocks |
chrysophobia | fear of orange color |
cibophobia | fear of food |
claustrophobia | fear of confined spaces |
cleisiophobia | fear of being trapped or locked in |
cleithrophobia | fear of being trapped or locked in |
cleptophobia | fear of stealing |
climacophobia | fear of stairs, climbing or falling down them |
cclinophobia | fear of going to bed |
clithrophobia | fear of being trapped or locked in |
cnidophobia | fear of stings |
coimetrophobia | fear of cemeteries |
coitophobia | fear of sex |
cometophobia | fear of comets |
contreltophobia | fear of sexual abuse |
coprastasophobia | fear of constipation |
coprophobia | fear of feces |
coulrophobia | fear of clowns |
counterphobia | fear of fearful situations |
cremnophobia | fear of precipices |
cryophobia | fear of extreme cold |
crystallophobia | fear of crystals, glass |
cyberphobia | fear of computers or technology |
cyclophobia | fear of bicycles |
cymophobia | fear of waves |
cynophobia> | fear of dogs |
cyprianophobia | fear of prostitutes or venereal disease |
daemonophobia | fear of demons |
decidophobia | fear of making decisions |
defecaloesiophobia | fear of painful bowel movements |
deipnophobia | fear of dining |
domatophobia | fear of houses |
dementophobia | fear of insanity |
demophobia | fear of crowds or people |
dendrophobia | fear of trees |
dentophobia | fear of dentists or dentistry |
dermatopathophobia | fear of skin lesions or skin illness |
dermatophobia | fear of skin lesions or skin illness |
dermatosiophobia | fear of skin lesions or skin illness |
dextrophobia | fear of objects at the right side of the body |
diabetophobia | fear of diabetes |
didaskaleinophobia | fear of going to school |
dikephobia | fear of justice |
dinophobia | fear of dizziness or whirlpools |
diplophobia | fear of double vision |
dipsophobia | fear of drinking alcohol |
dishabiliophobia | fear of undressing in front of someone |
domatophobia | fear of houses |
dontophobia | fear of teeth |
doraphobia | fear of fur |
doxophobia | fear of receiving praise, expressing an opinion |
dromophobia | fear of crossing the street |
dysmorphophobia | fear of deformity |
dystychiphobia | fear of accidents |
ecclesiophobia | fear of church |
ecophobia | fear of ecological problems |
eisoptrophobia | fear of mirrors |
electrophobia | fear of electricity |
eleutherophobia | fear of freedom |
elurophobia | fear of cats |
emetophobia | fear of vomiting |
enetophobia | fear of pins |
enissophobia | fear of criticism or judgement |
enochlophobia | fear of crowds |
entomophobia | fear of insects |
eosophobia | fear of dawn or daylight |
ephebophobia | fear of youth |
epistaxiophobia | fear of nosebleeds |
epistemophobia | fear of knowledge |
ephebiphobia | fear of teenagers |
equinophobia | fear of horses |
ereuthrophobia | fear of blushing |
ergophobia | fear of work |
erotophobia | fear of sex or sexual questions |
erytophobia | fear of red or things red |
euphobia | fear of hearing good news |
eurotophobia | fear of female genitalia |
febriphobia | fear of fever |
felinophobia | fear of cats |
francophobia | fear of things french |
frigophobia | fear of cold or cold things |
galeophobia | fear of cats |
gallophobia | fear of things french |
gamophobia | fear of marriage or commitment |
gatophobia | fear of cats |
geliophobia | fear of laughter |
gelotophobia | fear of being laughed at |
geniophobia | fear of chins |
genophobia | fear of sex |
genuphobia | fear of knees |
gephyrophobia | fear of crossing bridges |
gerascophobia | fear of growing old |
germanophobia | fear of Germany or German culture |
gerontophobia | fear of old people or growing old |
glossophobia | fear of speaking in public |
gnosiophobia | fear of knowledge |
gymnophobia | fear of nudity |
gynephobia | fear of women |
gynophobia | fear of women |
hadephobia | fear of hell |
hagiophobia | fear of saints |
hamartophobia | fear of sinning or sin |
haphephobia | fear of being touched |
harpaxophobia | fear of being robbed |
hedonophobia | fear of feeling pleasure |
heliophobia> | fear of the sun |
helminthophobia | fear of worms |
hemophobia | fear of blood |
herpetophobia | fear of reptiles |
hesperophobia | fear of the west |
heterophobia | fear of the opposite sex |
hierophobia | fear of priests |
hippophobia | fear of horses |
Hodophobia | Road travel |
homichlophobia | fear of fog |
homilophobia | fear of sermons |
hominophobia | fear of men |
homophobia | fear of homosexuals or homosexuality |
hoplophobia | fear of firearms |
hydrophobia | fear of water (aka rabies) |
hydrophobia | fear of water |
hydrophobophobia | fear of rabies |
hyelophobia | fear of glass |
hygrophobia | fear of liquid or moisture |
hylephobia | fear of materialism |
hylophobia | fear of forests |
hypegiaphobia | fear of responsibility |
hypnophobia | fear of sleep or of being hypnotized |
hypochondria> | fear of illness |
hypsophobia | fear of height |
iatrophobia | fear of going to the doctor or of doctors |
ichthyophobia | fear of fish |
iconophobia | fear of pictures or images |
illyngophobia | fear of vertigo or feeling dizzy when looking down |
insectophobia | fear of insects |
iophobia | fear of poison |
islamophobia | fear of Islam |
isolophobia | fear of solitude, being alone |
isopterophobia | fear of termites, insects that eat wood |
ithyphallophobia | fear of seeing, thinking about or having an erect penis |
japanophobia | fear of things Japanese |
judeophobia | fear of Jews |
kainophobia | fear of novelty, innovation |
kainotophobia | fear of change |
kakorrhaphiophobia | fear of failure or defeat |
katagelophobia | fear of ridicule |
katsaridaphobia | fear of cockroaches |
kenophobia | fear of empty spaces |
keraunophobia | fear of thunder and lightning |
kinetophobia | fear of movement |
kleptophobia | fear of stealing |
koinoniphobia | fear of rooms full of people |
kolpophobia | fear of genitals, mainly female |
koniophobia | fear of dust |
kopophobia | fear of fatigue |
koumponophobia | fear of buttons, esp. plastic. Jeans buttons often ok! |
kosmikophobia | fear of cosmic phenomenon |
kymophobia | fear of waves |
kynophobia | fear of rabies |
lachanophobia | fear of vegetables |
laliophobia | fear of speaking |
lalophobia | fear of speaking |
leprophobia | fear of leprosy |
leukophobia | fear of the color white |
levophobia | fear of objects on the left side of the body |
ligyrophobia | fear of loud noises |
lilapsophobia | fear of tornadoes and hurricanes |
limnophobia | fear of lakes |
linonophobia | fear of string |
lockiophobia | fear of childbirth |
logizomechanophobia | fear of computers |
logophobia | fear of words |
loutrophobia | fear of washing or bathing |
luiphobia | fear of syphilis |
lutraphobia | fear of otters |
lygophobia | fear of darkness |
lyssophobia | fear of going insane |
macrophobia | fear of long waits |
mageirocophobia | fear of cooking |
maieusiophobia | fear of childbirth |
malaxophobia | fear of love play |
maniaphobia | fear of insanity |
mastigophobia | fear of whips, punishment |
mechanophobia | fear of machines |
medomalacuphobia | fear of losing an erection |
medorthophobia | fear of an erect penis |
megalophobia | fear of large things |
melanophobia | fear of the color black |
melissophobia | fear of bees |
melophobia | fear of music |
meningitophobia | fear of brain disease |
menophobia | fear of menstruation |
merinthophobia | fear of being tied up |
metallophobia | fear of metal |
metathesiophobia | fear of changes |
meteorophobia | fear of meteors |
methyphobia | fear of alcohol |
metrophobia | fear of poetry |
microbiophobia | fear of microbes |
microphobia | fear of small things |
Misophobia | Dirt or germs or hatred |
mnemophobia | fear of memories |
molysmophobia | fear of contamination |
monophobia | fear of solitude |
motorophobia | fear of motors |
motorphobia | fear of cars |
mottephobia | fear of moths |
musculophobia | fear of muscles |
musophobia | fear of mice or rats |
mycophobia | fear of mushrooms |
mycrophobia | fear of small things |
myctophobia | fear of darkness |
myrmecophobia | fear of ants |
mysophobia | fear of dirt or germs |
myxophobia | fear of slime |
nebulaphobia | fear of fog |
necrophobia | fear of death or dead things |
nelophobia | fear of glass |
neophobia | fear of anything new |
nephophobia | fear of clouds |
noctiphobia | fear of night |
noctiphobia | fear of the night |
nomatophobia | fear of names |
nosocomephobia | fear of hospitals |
nosophobia | fear of illness or disease |
nostophobia | fear of returning home |
novercaphobia | fear of stepmother |
nucleomitophobia | fear of nuclear weapons |
nudophobia | fear of nudity |
numerophobia | fear of numbers |
nyctohylophobia | fear of forests at night |
nyctophobia | fear of the dark or of night |
nymphophobia | fear of young girls |
obesophobia> | fear of gaining weight or of obesity |
ochlophobia | fear of crowds or mobs |
ochophobia | fear of vehicles |
octophobia | fear of the number 8 |
odontophobia | fear of dentistry |
odynophobia | fear of pain |
oenophobia | fear of wines |
oikophobia | fear of home |
olfactophobia | fear of smell |
ombrophobia | fear of rain |
ommetaphobia | fear of eyes |
omphalophobia | fear of belly buttons |
oneirogmophobia | fear of wet dreams |
oneirophobia | fear of dreams |
onomatophobia | fear of words or a certain word |
ophidiophobia | fear of snakes |
ophthalmophobia | fear of being stared at |
optophobia | fear of opening eyes |
ornithophobia | fear of birds |
orthophobia | fear of property |
ornithophobia | fear of birds |
osmophobia | fear of smells |
ostracophobia | fear of oysters, shellfish |
ouranophobia | fear of heaven |
paedophobia | fear of children or childhood |
pagophobia | fear of ice or frost |
panophobia | fear of everything |
panthophobia | fear of suffering and disease |
pantophobia | fear of everything |
papyrophobia | fear of paper |
praphobia | fear of sexual perversion |
parasitophobia | fear of parasites |
parthenophobia | fear of young girls |
parturiphobia | fear of childbirth |
paruresis | fear of urinating in public places or in the presence of others |
pathophobia | fear of disease |
peccatophobia | fear of sinning |
pediculophobia | fear of lice |
pediophobia | fear of dolls |
pedophobia | fear of babies or children |
Peladophobia | Bald people |
pellagrophobia | fear of pellagra (disease) |
peniaphobia | fear of poverty |
pentheraphobia | fear of mother-in-law |
phagophobia | fear of swallowing |
phalacrophobia | fear of going bald |
phallophobia | fear of penis |
pharmacophobia | fear of drugs and medicines |
phasmophobia | fear of ghosts |
phengophobia | fear of daylight or sunshine |
philematophobia | fear of kissing |
philophobia | fear of falling in love |
philosophobia | fear of learning |
phobophobia | fear of phobias |
phonophobia | fear of sounds, voices or own voice |
photophobia | fear of light |
phronemophobia | fear of thinking |
phtheirophobia | fear of lice |
phthisiophobia | fear of tuberculosis |
philophobia | fear of love |
phobophobia | fear of phobias |
placophobia | fear of tombstones |
plutophobia | fear of wealth |
pluviophobia | fear of rain or being rained on |
pneumatophobia | fear of spirits |
pnigerophobia | fear of choking |
podophobia | fear of feet |
pogonophobia | fear of beards |
pogophobia | fear of beards |
poinephobia | fear of punishment |
polyphobia | fear of many things |
ponophobia | fear of overworking or pain |
porphyrophobia | fear of the color purple |
potamophobia | fear of running water |
potophobia | fear of drinking alcohol |
proctophobia | fear of rectums |
prosophobia | fear of progress |
psellismophobia | fear of stuttering |
psychophobia | fear of mind |
psychrophobia | fear of cold |
pteridophobia | fear of ferns |
pteromerhanophobia | fear of flying |
pupaphobia | fear of puppets |
pyrexiophobia | fear of fever |
pyrophobia | fear of fire |
radiophobia | fear of radiation, x-rays |
ranophobia | fear of frogs |
rhabdophobia | fear of punishment |
rhypophobia | fear of defecation |
rrhytiphobia | fear of getting wrinkles |
rupophobia | fear of dirt |
russophobia | fear of Russians |
samhainophobia | fear of Halloween |
scatophobia | fear of fecal matter |
scelerophibia | fear of evil people, burglars |
scoleciphobia | fear of worms |
scolionophobia | fear of school |
scopophobia | fear of being stared at |
scorodophobia | fear of garlic |
scotomaphobia | fear of blindness |
scotophobia | fear of darkness |
selachophobia | fear of sharks |
selaphobia | fear of light flashes |
selenophobia | fear of the moon |
seplophobia | fear of decaying matter |
sesquipedalophobia | fear of long words |
sexophobia | fear of opposite sex |
siderodromophobia | fear of trains |
siderophobia | fear of stars |
sinistrophobia | fear of fear of left handed or things to the left |
sinophobia | fear of Chinese |
sitiophobia | fear of food |
sociophobia | fear of social evaluation or of social gatherings |
somnephobia | fear of sleep or dreams |
somniphobia | fear of sleep |
sophophobia | fear of wisdom or learning |
soteriophobia | fear of dependence on others |
spectrophobia | fear of specters or ghosts |
spermatophobia | fear of semen emission |
spermophobia | fear of germs, dirt |
sphekophobia | fear of wasps |
staurophobia | fear of crosses or crucifix |
stenophobia | fear of narrow places |
stigiophobia | fear of hell |
stygiophobia | fear of hell |
suriphobia | fear of mice |
symbolophobia | fear of symbolism |
symmetrophobia | fear of symmetry |
syngenesophobia | fear of relatives |
syphilophobia | fear of syphilis |
tachophobia | fear of speed |
taeniophobia | fear of tapeworms |
taphephobia | fear of being buried alive |
tapinophobia | fear of being contagious |
taurophobia | fear of bulls |
teratophobia | fear of fear of giving birth to a malformed child |
testophobia | fear of taking tests |
teutophobia | fear of Germans or things German |
textophobia | fear of fabrics, material e.g. velvet, foam rubber etc. |
technophobia | fear of technology |
thalassophobia | fear of deep water or of the sea |
thanatophobia | fear of death |
theophobia | fear of Gods or religion |
thermophobia | fear of heat |
tocophobia | fear of childbirth |
tomophobia | fear of surgical operations |
tonitrophobia | fear of thunder |
topophobia | fear of certain situations, stage fright |
toxophobia | fear of being poisoned |
raumatophobia | fear of injury |
remophobia | fear of trembling |
trichinophobia | fear of trichinosis (parasitic disease) |
trichopathophobia | fear of hair, hair loss |
tropophobia | fear of change |
trypanophobia | fear of needles or injections |
trypophobia | fear of clustered patterns of holes |
typhlophobia | fear of blindness |
uranophobia | fear of heaven |
urophobia | fear of urine |
vaccinophobia | fear of vaccinations |
venustraphobia | fear of beautiful women |
verbophobia | fear of words |
verminophobia | fear of germs |
vestiphobia | fear of clothing |
virginitiphobia | fear of fear of rape |
vitricophobia | fear of stepfather |
wiccaphobia | fear of witches and witchcraft |
xanthophobia | fear of yellow and yellow things |
xenoglossophobia | fear of foreign languages |
xenophobia | fear of strangers or foreigners |
xerophobia | fear of dryness |
xylophobia | fear of wood |
xyrophobia | fear of razors |
zelophobia | fear of jealousy |
zeusophobia | fear of Gods |
zoophobia | fear of animals |