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Culture & Religion:
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Biography & Horoscope
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Capital Cities
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) China Ethnic People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Chinese Han People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Chinese Movies Database
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Chinese Newspapers
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Culture & Tradition
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Entertainment Resources
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Famous People Mural
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Games & Sports
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Greeting cards
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Indigenous People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Inventions Timeline
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Multimedia Resources
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) News Media
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Nobel Peace Prize Winners
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Olympic Medals
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Taiwan Indigenous People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Taiwan Ethnic People Explained
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Taiwan Indigenous Tribes
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Time & Date
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) UN Secretary Generals
ball1.gif (1653 bytes) Wonders of the World
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) World Clock
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) World Heritage Sites
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Zodiac
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Bible Online
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Christianity in Numbers
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Major Religions
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Major Religions Explained

China in History

China in History
Dynasties of China(2070 BC-1911 AD)
中华文明的起源 (2500-2070 BC)
夏 朝 (The Xia Dynasty 2070-1600 BC)
商朝 (Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 BC)
周朝 (The Zhou Dynasty 1046 -771 BC)
春秋時代 (Spring & Autumn 771-476 BC)
戰國時代 (Warring States 475-221 BC)
秦朝 (The Qin Dynasty 221-206 BC)
漢朝 (The Han Dynasty 206 BC-220 AD)
六朝 (The Six Dynasties 220-589 AD)
隋朝 (The Sui Dynasty 581-618 AD)
唐朝 (Tang Dynasty 618-907 AD)
五代十国 (Five Dynasties (907-960 AD)
宋朝 (The Song Dynasty 960-1279)
元朝 (The Yuan Dynasty 1271-1368)
明朝 (The Ming Dynasty 1368-1644)
清朝 (The Qing Dynasty 1644-1911)
Ethnic People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Ethnic Minorities
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Hakka Explained
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Hakka People
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Hakka Overseas
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Han Chinese
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Hmong
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Taiwan Ethnic
greenbal.gif (917 bytes) Tribes of Taiwan
Zheng He's Voyages (1405-43)
孫中山 (Sun Yat Sen 1866-1925)
東方紅: 音樂舞蹈史詩 (East Is Red 1965)
毛澤東 (Mao Tse Tung 1893-1976)
Deng Xiao Ping (1904-97)
錢學森 (Qian Xue Sen 1911-2009)
抗戰勝利70週年 (V-Day Parade 2015)
長江三峽大壩 (Three Gorges Dam)
Presidents of China
鴉片戰爭 (Opium Wars 1839-60)
香港歷史 (Hong Kong 1841-1997)
Taiping Rebellion (1851-64)
The Boxer Rebellion (1900)
長征 (The Long March 1934-36)
Roots of Communism in China
中华人民共和国开国大典 (1949)
Great Leap Forward (1958)
Cultural Revolution (1966)
Cold War (1949-72)
China's Century of Humiliation
China in Space (1992-2020)
香港回歸 (HK Handover 1997)
澳門回歸 (Macau Handover 1999)
抗戰勝利70週年 (V-Day Parade 2015)
Presidents of China
Transformation (1949-2019)
Nanjing Masacre (南京大屠杀 1937)
Battle of China (1931-44)
China's High-speed Rail Network
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